Permission for a residential development of 26 units, including 10 three-bedroom duplex houses, 13 two-bedroom apartments, and 3 one-bedroom apartments, with associated site works.
The proposed development at Site 5, Northern Cross, Dublin 17 includes the construction of 55 apartments and 2 commercial units across 8 to 12 storeys, with amenities such as private balconies, communal spaces, and parking facilities.
The development involves the construction of a fully serviced residential complex with 17 units, including two three-storey duplex blocks and a block of own-door apartments, along with necessary amenities and infrastructure.
The development involves the reconstruction and enhancement of traditional boundaries, tree planting, and the construction of 33 residential dwellings of various types and sizes, along with associated site works.
The development involves 36 residential units, including apartments, duplexes, and houses, along with new access points, bike storage, bin stores, and comprehensive landscaping and ancillary works.
The development involves a residential scheme comprising 98 housing units, including detached, semi-detached houses, and apartments, along with landscaping works for a public park over a 6.84 ha site, with associated infrastructure and access improvements.
The development involves constructing 34 dwellings, including 2 detached houses, 26 semi-detached houses, and 2 blocks with a total of 6 maisonette units, along with infrastructure improvements such as cycle lanes, a landscaped park, and sewer connections.
The proposed development involves the construction of 96 residential units, including various types of houses and apartments, along with associated site development works and amenities.
The proposed development involves constructing 17 terraced 3-bedroom dwelling units in six house types, along with associated car parking, new vehicular access, public footpaths, and other site development works.
The development includes 227 residential apartments across multiple blocks, commercial units totaling 1,009.5 sq.m, community and childcare facilities, extensive parking provisions, and associated site development works.
The development involves the construction of 11 residential units, including 5 one-bedroom apartments, 5 two-bedroom apartments, and 1 three-bedroom house, along with landscaping, drainage, boundary treatments, and various site amenities.
The development includes 68 residential units consisting of 59 houses and 9 maisonette apartments, along with a retail unit/cafe, new vehicular entrance, car-parking, cycle parking, landscaping, and various associated site works.
The development involves the construction of 20 fully serviced 2-storey dwellings, including 10 semi-detached, 2 detached, and 2 terraced blocks, along with the extension of an existing service road and necessary connections to services.
A housing development in Clonconane, Limerick, consisting of 99 dwelling units including various types of semi-detached houses, mid-terrace houses, and apartments, along with necessary site works and infrastructure.
The proposed development includes the construction of 74 residential units, comprising various types of houses and duplex units, along with associated car parking, pedestrian and vehicular access, landscaping, and necessary site infrastructure.
Proposed construction of 13 residential units, including 7 two-storey, four-bedroom homes.
The proposed development includes the alteration and refurbishment of two protected structures into separate dwelling houses, construction of 24 residential units, realignment of access roads, provision of parking spaces, bicycle storage, private and public open spaces, and associated infrastructure.
Planning permission is sought for a mixed-use development featuring 42 apartments, 3 retail units, a public house, car and bicycle parking, telecommunications infrastructure, and associated landscaping and site works.
The proposed development includes 65 dwelling units within Killeen Castle Demesne, featuring a variety of house types and sizes, all replacing previously permitted units without increasing the total number of dwellings.
The development involves the construction of various residential units including houses and apartments, alongside commercial spaces and associated infrastructure, with multiple phases of revisions to previously permitted plans.
The project involves the construction of a part 3 - part 4 storey residential development comprising 15 apartments with associated amenities and site improvements.
The development involves the construction of two 4-storey apartment blocks with a total of 32 units, including a mix of 5 one-bedroom and 11 two-bedroom apartments, along with new vehicular access, parking, bicycle storage, and landscaping.
The development involves alterations to a previously approved hotel project, including the omission of a café, expansion of bar and office areas, addition of five bedrooms, and other site works at a Protected Structure in Cork.
The proposed development at Ivy Lawn, 118 Evergreen Road, Cork City includes the construction of 15 residential units across 4 buildings, along with associated infrastructure and site development works.
The development involves a Large-Scale Residential Development in Co. Galway, consisting of 148 residential units, communal spaces, active travel paths, and associated site works, under the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2021.