Construction of 75 residential units including apartments, terraced housing, and duplexes, with associated parking, access points, infrastructure, and landscaping.
Proposed development of 30 residential units, including a mix of semi-detached houses, terraced houses, and duplex apartments, with associated public open space and access from Castle Street on a 0.673-hectare site.
The development involves the construction of 85 student accommodation apartments across 4 blocks, providing 582 bed spaces, along with various amenities, landscaping, and infrastructure improvements.
The proposed development includes a two-storey childcare facility, 190 residential units of various types, a link street with pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, landscaped public open space, and associated amenities and infrastructure.
Planning permission for the construction of 65 two-storey family houses with associated parking, new access roads, pedestrian and cycle links, and necessary site infrastructure and landscaping.
The proposed development includes the construction of a nursing home with 120 bed spaces, 29 detached houses, and ancillary site works on the site of the former St. Ann’s Hydropathic Establishment, integrating the conservation and refurbishment of the existing structure.
The proposed modifications involve replacing 4 no. semi-detached houses type A with 4 no. terraced houses type D and altering the back gardens of 2 no. semi-detached houses type A, while also replacing 5 no. terraced houses type D with 4 no. semi-detached houses type A and 1 no. detached house type E, maintaining the total number of houses and the internal layouts.
The proposed Large-Scale Residential Development at Golf Links Road, Newtown, Monaleen, Co. Limerick will consist of 122 residential units, including houses and apartments, along with a childcare facility, extensive parking, and necessary infrastructure on a 3.2ha greenfield site.
Construction of a residential development consisting of 54 dwelling houses, including various types of two-storey homes, along with associated site development works.
The development at Parkview, Ballymun, Dublin 11 includes a single storey creche, 32 affordable residential units, 2 single storey sheltered housing units, and various parking and landscaping features on a 1.2912-hectare site.
The development involves the construction of 91 residential units, including various types of houses and apartments, along with a new crèche building, internal roadways, landscaping, and site services.
The development will consist of the construction of 61 shared access apartment units, 16 own door apartment units, 15 terraced houses, a new creche building, a commercial/retail building, and associated infrastructure including vehicular access points and a shared pedestrian/cycle path.
The development involves the construction of 14 residential units, including seven two-storey terraced townhouses and seven single-storey terraced bungalows, along with associated site works.
The proposed development includes a new neighbourhood centre featuring 138 residential apartments, commercial and retail units, a childcare facility, public plaza, and various amenity spaces across two interlinked blocks, along with extensive parking and landscaping provisions.
Permission for 31 two-storey dwellings with associated site services, a new vehicular entrance from Church Road, and upgrades to the existing 'Ashgrove' estate entrance roadway and footpath.
The construction of 21 two-storey dwellings, including 16 three-bedroom semi-detached units, 4 four-bedroom semi-detached units, and 1 four-bedroom detached unit, with access via the existing internal road network and associated site works.
The development includes 74 residential units of various types, significant open space with a children's playground, a new estate road with pedestrian and cycle access, upgraded pedestrian crossings, car parking, bicycle stands, and associated site works.
Development of 21 residential units including a 5-bedroom detached dwelling, 12 semi-detached 4-bedroom homes, 4 ground floor 2-bedroom apartments, and 4 duplex 3-bedroom apartments, along with associated works and amenities.
The proposed development at Glenmont Crest, Silversprings, Tivoli, Cork includes the construction of 22 residential units comprising 11 dwelling houses and 20 apartments, along with ancillary site development works.
The development involves the construction of 58 residential units, including various types of apartments and houses, along with public and private open spaces, car parking, landscaping, and necessary infrastructure connections.
The proposed development includes a residential project featuring a 4-storey apartment block with 31 units, communal roof terraces, bicycle parking, landscaping, public lighting, car parking, and new access points, along with necessary site development works.
Restoration of Leitrim Lodge to a four-bed residential dwelling, construction of a 5-storey apartment building with 23 units, a bicycle store, car parking spaces, and widening of access laneway with associated landscaping and site works.
The project involves the construction of 24 dwelling houses along with associated access roads, parking, footpaths, drainage, landscaping, and amenity areas.
The development involves the construction of 21 residential dwellings across two apartment blocks and one detached house, including various apartment configurations, car and bicycle parking, landscaping, and associated site works.
The development involves the construction of 19 apartments, including 9 one-bedroom and 10 three-bedroom duplex units, along with associated amenities and landscaping on the site of existing buildings, including St. Anne's Convent.