The development involves the construction of 272 residential units, a creche and community building, along with associated site works including infrastructure improvements and access points on Broomfield Road.
The development involves the construction of 99 residential units, including various types of semi-detached and detached homes, along with two apartment blocks, and includes associated site works and infrastructure improvements.
The proposed development includes 162 residential units comprising various types of dwellings, duplexes, and apartments, along with landscaping, site works, and enhanced access and connectivity features.
The development involves a modified residential scheme of 6 houses, including a mix of single and two-storey dwellings, with associated infrastructure, landscaping, and parking provisions.
The development includes 28 car parking spaces, 186 cycle spaces, 2 retail units totaling 1,950 sq. m, a coffee shop, 80 apartments of various types, and new buildings of 6 to 8 storeys with a central amenity space and green roofs.
The development will consist of a residential scheme comprising 36 units in a 3 to 4 storey building with private open spaces, solar panels, and associated infrastructure including bicycle and car parking, along with a communal landscaped area.
The development includes new entrances onto Ballymoneen Road, a 3-storey apartment building with 17 units, car parking, bicycle storage, refuse storage, drainage services, landscaping, and associated works.
Permission granted for the construction of 22 fully serviced dwelling houses.
Mixed development featuring a new 4-storey apartment block with 26 apartments and a smaller public house, including communal areas and parking facilities.
A residential development comprising various applications for the construction of multiple dwelling houses, associated amenities, and infrastructure improvements.
Midgard Construction Ltd. seeks permission for a mixed-use residential development comprising 174 apartments and a childcare facility, along with associated amenities and infrastructure, on lands at the former Faulkner Industries Factory in Chapelizod, Dublin.
The development involves the construction of 15 apartments in a 2-storey building, comprising 3 one-bedroom, 10 two-bedroom, and 2 three-bedroom units, along with ancillary facilities including parking, landscaping, and communal areas.
The proposed development includes 80 residential units, a childcare facility, and associated infrastructure works, along with upgrades to Newcastle Road and the creation of pedestrian and cyclist pathways.
The development will consist of the construction of 14 semi-detached houses, including 10 three-bedroom and 4 four-bedroom units, along with associated parking, public open spaces, and necessary infrastructure.
The development involves the construction of 100 residential units across two 5-storey blocks, along with commercial spaces, parking facilities, and associated infrastructure on a previously occupied site.
The development involves the construction of 46 apartments across two blocks, including various amenities and infrastructure such as a community room, sub-station, and landscaped park.
The proposed development includes the construction of 178 apartments and a childcare facility in three buildings, along with public and communal open spaces, landscaping, and various infrastructure improvements.
The proposed development includes the construction of 32 residential units and 3 retail units within two buildings, featuring a mixed-use structure with live/work units and a four-storey apartment building, along with associated amenities and site works.
The proposed development at Dunaree, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan includes the construction of 76 dwellings of various types, along with associated car parking, landscaping, access connections, and necessary infrastructure works.
Construction of 11 three-storey dwelling houses, including 9 four-bedroom and 2 three-bedroom units, along with associated site development works such as improved access, parking, footpaths, drainage, and landscaping.
The project involves the construction of a residential development consisting of 22 apartment and duplex units across three blocks, along with associated site works and landscaping.
The development involves the construction of 35 dwellings, including various types of detached and semi-detached homes, along with landscaping, a public walkway, and necessary drainage connections.
Planning permission is sought for a mixed-use development comprising 121 residential units, 4 retail units, a Senior Citizens Centre, and a commercial car park in a building of up to 8 storeys on a 0.56-hectare site.
The development involves the construction of 17 two-storey, three-bedroom dwellings with on-curtilage parking, a new vehicular entrance, 1,039 sq.m of public open space, and associated site works.
The development involves a mixed-use project on a 3.9 Ha site, featuring 91 residential units, a creche, and retail/commercial space, along with extensive infrastructure improvements including access roads, pedestrian pathways, and drainage systems.