The development involves the construction of 86 dwellings, including 60 houses and 28 apartment/duplex units, along with associated site works and infrastructure improvements.
The development involves constructing a mixed-use scheme with 86 apartments, a creche, a commercial space, and extensive parking and landscaping, covering a gross floor area of 8,417 sqm.
The development involves the construction of 52 residential units of various types, 3 commercial units, a community space, and associated site works including landscaping and parking facilities in Ballydahin, Mallow, Co. Cork.
Residential development featuring 10 single storey and 7 two storey detached four-bedroom dwellings, each with individual waste water treatment units, along with new site entrance, roadways, landscaping, public open space, and associated site works.
The development involves the construction of 68 houses, including various types of one to four bedroom homes, with necessary infrastructure connections and access to the existing Cluain Loinn housing development.
The development involves the construction of a residential scheme with 96 units, including maisonettes and various types of houses, along with a creche facility and associated infrastructure.
The development involves the construction of 580 residential units, including houses and apartments, along with extensive parking facilities, open spaces, and pedestrian and cyclist connections, designed to integrate with surrounding developments.
Construction of 15 dwellings including various types of houses and a single storey childcare facility with associated site development works.
Construction of a 3-storey apartment building with 13 residential units, including 8 two-bedroom and 5 one-bedroom apartments, featuring internal circulation, car parking, bicycle storage, and communal amenities.
The development involves the construction of 85 residential apartments, including 35 one-bedroom, 37 two-bedroom, and 13 three-bedroom units in a 5-8 storey building, along with associated amenities such as landscaped public open space, car and bicycle parking, and infrastructure works.
Planning permission is sought for a residential development at Palmer Avenue, Rush, Co. Dublin, consisting of 14 dwellings, including various types of houses, private gardens, car parking, vehicular accesses, landscaping, footpaths, boundary treatments, and necessary site infrastructure.
Development of 14 houses including 4 semi-detached 4-bed houses, 8 semi-detached 3-bed houses, and 2 detached 4-bed houses with boundary treatments, landscaping, and connections to public services.
The development involves the construction of 30 residential units, including various types of townhouses and semi-detached units, along with associated infrastructure and landscaping works.
The development involves a reduction in dwelling units from 89 to 84, with changes to building types including the conversion of duplex units to semi-detached houses, alterations to house types, elevational changes to terrace blocks, and modifications to landscaping and vehicle parking at Newtown, Castletroy, Co. Limerick.
The development involves the construction of 20 dwelling houses and ancillary site works, followed by an alteration to construct 9 additional dwellings with a change in site layout and housing density.
The development involves the construction of 5 detached dwellinghouses and 9 townhouses in two blocks, along with necessary site works and service connections.
The development involves alterations to a previously approved plan, reducing the number of dwelling units from 41 to 38, with changes to building types including the conversion of duplex units to semi-detached houses, modifications to existing house types, and adjustments to landscaping and parking on the site in Newtown, Castletroy, Co. Limerick.
The development involves the construction of 59 dwellings, including various types of houses and apartments, along with associated infrastructure and site works on a 1.35 ha site.
Construction of a 3-storey housing scheme for older persons and/or persons with disabilities, featuring 15 social housing apartments, car and bicycle parking, private gardens, and associated landscaping and access works.
The development involves the construction of 96 dwelling houses, a creche facility, and 32 additional dwelling units, along with all associated site development works including access, parking, drainage, and landscaping, with Natura Impact Statements to be submitted.
The development includes a single-storey discount foodstore, a café, a three-storey building with commercial units and office space, a six-storey building with commercial units and 38 apartments, along with various amenities and infrastructure.
Permission to construct 89 residential units, including 29 one-bedroom units.
The development involves the construction of 78 new dwellings, including various types of houses and bungalows, along with the extension of an existing access road and associated site works.
The development involves the construction of 62 residential units, including 27 two-storey houses and 35 apartments, along with associated site development works such as a new roundabout, parking spaces, public open space, and landscaping.
Residential development comprising the construction of 11 dwelling houses and 18 apartments in a three-storey block, along with associated access, parking, drainage, landscaping, and amenity areas.